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Tammy Ranger Delivers Keynote at Maine HR Convention

Earning Top Marks


On Thursday May 10, 2018, Tammy Ranger delivered a keynote address to attendees of the Maine HR Convention at the Samoset Resort in Rockport. Tammy, a UMaine alumni turned adjunct professor, community volunteer, yoga instructor, and most notably: Maine's 2017 Teacher of the Year. Tammy teaches at Skowhegan Area Middle School, a rural, high-poverty school with innovative education practices. The school's core ethic is to empower teachers to be decision-makers and advocates for their students. Tammy was joined by moderator Tory Ryden, journalist and host of Positively Maine-a weekly radio show featuring uplifting stories from across the state about people making a difference. Tammy has created a culture and developed relationships that give her students tools to thrive well beyond their year in the classroom.

Tammy has shared her slide deck here

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